Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey


More Grandkid Trips To The U.K.

In 2009, we took our granddaughter, Megan, and

our grandson, Jordan, with us on a ministry trip to the

U.K. We ministered for Stuart and Irene Bell in Lincoln,

England. We also ministered for Gerald and Anona

Coates, and John and Christine Noble in London. We

took a tour of London on a double-decker bus. We also

attended a famous play, The Mousetrap , by Agatha

Christie. We then traveled to Scotland to minister for

Bernie and Nan McLaughlin. We stayed in the

countryside near a famous castle and we had a

wonderful time of ministry in their church. We also had

a prayer and prophetic time in their home, with their

children and grandchildren. We made a lot of great

memories with Megan and Jordan on this trip.

Ministry Time in Burundi, Africa

I traveled alone to Burundi, Africa, at the

invitation of Jamie and Lea Peters, to minister at the

dedication of the church they had pioneered several

years before, in the capital city of Bujumbura. It was


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