Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

In 2008, our internet television season came to a

close. I was ministering for Pastors Garland and Beverly

Bilbo on Sunday morning at Praise Church in New

Orleans, when I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me to

give our equipment to their ministry. It was worth over

$20,000, but I obeyed The Voice. We’ve learned over the

years that the value of the seed is greater than the value

of the sale.

My Spiritual Mother

In 2008, my spiritual mother, Velma Hankins,

went to be with the Lord. I loved Velma, a very special

lady with a great sense of humor. She was a great

inspiration to my life! One of her favorite sayings was,

“if you don’t know, it won’t hurt you.” I can still see her

running around the auditorium at the Christian Center

in West Columbia, Texas, accompanied by her group of

Holy Ghost Runners!


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