Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

great being with Jamie and Lea, and their two children,

Mandy and Stephen. My longtime friend, Tom Peters,

and I ministered together at the gathering for the next

three days.

Following the dedication of the new church on

Sunday, we were invited to the presidential palace to

have dinner with the president of Burundi, his family,

and staff. It was a beautiful summer night with a meal

that was served outside the palace, that included about

20 of his guests.

After about an hour of worship, President Pierre

Nkurunziza introduced me, followed by a time of

prophetic words given over the president of a nation of

eight million people. I also gave individual prophecies

to the First Lady, the Vice President and his wife, and

the former president, who led the nation during difficult

years, when over a million people were massacred in

Burundi-Rwanda. I also shared Jamie and Lea’s

amazing story concerning their Burundian journey, and

how they’d stayed during the most difficult days of


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