Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

The next morning, we met with an oncologist. He

told us that Jean needed surgery as soon as possible. We

prayed fervently about what to do next and decided to

travel to Tulsa, Oklahoma and stay at a place provided

by Don and Kay Couch. We spent the next several days

in prayer and the Word, speaking our faith declarations,

and believing God for a miracle. Each day I sent emails

to a group of friends around the world who were

intercessors and people of faith. Thousands of people

around the globe were standing with us in prayer.

One morning while in prayer, Jean said, “ I believe

I am healed.” We called Dr. Remedios and he

recommended that we come back to Alexandria for

another extensive biopsy.

Dr. Remedios' wife, Yvonne joined me in prayer

throughout the procedure. While praying, I had an open

vision of Jesus clothed in a white robe, walking into the

operating room, and stood by Dr. Remedios, laid His

hand on Jean, and said, " REQUEST GRANTED !” I

believed that she was healed at that very moment!


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