Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Dr. Remedios sent the report to a pathologist,

saying they should have the results by noon the next

day. That night Jean was at perfect peace and slept like

a baby.

The next afternoon, Dr. Remedios and his wife,

Yvonne came into our room and could hardly contain

their excitement, as they explained that three

pathologists had examined the tissue for over four hours

and not a single one could find a trace of cancer! The

celebration began with the four of us praising and

worshiping God! Giving Jesus all the praise, honor, and

glory! A GIANT KILLING DAY ! I couldn’t wait to share

the good news with hundreds of people who had been

praying with us. Nineteen years later Jean is still cancer

free! There is no God like our God!


Evander Holyfield

One night, while ministering at Cathedral of

Praise in Austin, I began to prophesy over individuals. I

heard The Voice say, “Evander Holyfield is about to make a


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