Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

We arrived in Alexandria, and went directly to

the local hospital, where the biopsy was performed. Dr.

Remedios came in the next morning with a concerned

look on his face. He informed us that the mass was

malignant and would need to be removed immediately.

He strongly recommended that Jean undergo surgery

that very afternoon. Less than three hours later, Jean was

being prepared for surgery.

While Jean was waiting in her hospital room, Don

and Dianne Labro, close friends and pastors from

Church Point, Louisiana, arrived to pray for her. They

looked at her and asked, " Do you have peace about having

surgery this afternoon ?" Jean replied that she did not. She

asked me to call the nurse and have the IV removed.

We talked to Dr. Remedios about not having the

surgery, and he agreed with our decision. So instead of

undergoing surgery, Jean and I went out for a steak

dinner to celebrate her healing, accompanied by our

doctor David Remedios, his wife Yvonne, and Don and

Diane Labro. Jean said she had total and undeniable

peace. We were all amazed at the faith of Jean Gentry!


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