Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Jean’s Healing


I n 2004, John and Christine Noble invited us to

minister at a conference they were hosting in Madrid,

Spain. Godfrey and Gill Birtill joined us there, as well as

Gateway Church members, Don and Alice Draeger,

Mary Page and Aurora Kermode. We had a great time

of ministry, including many key prophetic words that I

gave during our time there.

Upon our return from Spain, Jean went for her

annual mammogram, which included the discovery of

what they called a suspicious mass. They suggested a

biopsy right away, so we decided to travel to

Alexandria, Louisiana to visit with our doctor and

spiritual son, David Remedios. We immediately started

our 800-mile journey, not knowing we were about to

face the greatest battle of our entire ministry.


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