Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

my last visit, I climbed up in the bed next to him, and

we prayed in the spirit. He died peacefully and went to

be with the Lord. I still miss him, but I know I will see

him again.

Tornado in Fort Worth

In March of 2000, a tornado roared through

downtown Fort Worth, demolishing Calvary

Cathedral’s church auditorium. Major news networks

came from across America to report about the

destruction of that beautiful landmark, and how two

intercessors, Sue and Margie, were praying in the Power

Tower above the auditorium, and survived without a


The next day, I met with Pastor Nichols and the

leaders of the church. We gathered across the street to

observe the remains of the building. A reporter from the

local newspaper approached me and asked me to share

my thoughts. I responded by saying, “ as I look at The

Power Tower, the things that really mattered are still here.

The cross is still on top of the building, the altar is still in the


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