Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

you might be interested in selling your T- Bird?” In a few

minutes, my classic car was gone, but I had a check in

my hand to purchase a new ministry van for Stephen

and Cornerstone Ministries in Bangalore, India!

Return to England & Crowd Surfing

Roger Ellis invited me to lead a gathering of 900

youth leaders at the Remix Conference on the campus of

Aston University in Birmingham, England. The worship

times were led by Martin Smith and his band, Delirious.

After a time of ministry, on the first night, a group of

radical youth leaders crowd-surfed me all over the

auditorium, where I had an amazing encounter with the

Holy Spirit. A weekend that I will never forget and will

always cherish!

During our time in England, I also ministered for

Gerald Coates, and received an offering for the church

to buy a new building. The Lord spoke to Jean and I to

give our honorarium back to the church, and not take

any money out of the United Kingdom. The church later


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