Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Gethsemane and at The Empty Tomb. Our time in

Jerusalem was very special; a time I will never forget!

My T-Bird Story

In 1996, a group of pastors surprised me with a

shiny red and white 1955 Thunderbird. It was a dream

come true! When I was young, I couldn’t afford to

purchase my dream car and as I got older, the price

continued to increase. I parked my new, classic car in the

garage and covered it with a special tarp. I was so proud

of it, and would sometimes go out, in the middle of the

night, and check on my beautiful dream car. One day

one of my spiritual sons, A. Stephen, came to visit Jean

and I from India. He shared with me about needing a

new van to transport his ministry team from one village

to another, where they were showing the Jesus Film

each night. As I prayed, the Holy Spirit spoke to me

about buying him a new van. I responded by saying that

I didn’t have th e money, and the Holy Spirit responded

by saying, “ yes you do, it's in your garage .” In a few

minutes, my son Rick came into our house and said,

“dad, your neighbor down the street stopped me and asked if


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