Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

took the $600,000 that we had raised and invested it in a

revival in London.

Revival In Concord

In 1996, we started ministering for Pastor Jeff and

Missy Kenney at New Hope Church in Concord,

California. I had met Jeff years earlier when I ministered

at a pastors’ conference. We built a close relationship

with them and their sons Austin and Justin during our

years of ministry at New Hope.

Revival in Saskatoon

In November of 1996, we were invited by Pastor

Keith Johnson to lead a prayer revival at Christian

Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. He also

invited Tom and Janie Autry to lead worship. The

meetings started slow, and after three weeks we met

with Pastor Johnson and his elders and told them the

coming Sunday would be our final service. However,

the Holy Spirit spoke to me that week, and we knew that

God was not finished with us in Saskatoon. After we


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