Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

children for a year. Jean and I were reluctant to see her

go by herself to a remote place, in a country thousands

of miles away, but finally agreed that she had heard

from the Lord and gave her our blessing. She sold her

pickup truck to finance her trip. In Cambodia, she lived

in rugged conditions, but sent regular glowing reports

of her ministry there, working with the Cambodian

children. Her faith saw her through, and I’m sure that

the seed she sowed continues to bring a harvest. She

later made another missionary trip to Cambodia,

accompanied by her siblings and future husband.

Megan graduated from Texas Tech University and is

now married to Spencer Coll. They live in Lubbock,

Texas and have one daughter, Millie Ruth. Megan

worked at Texas Tech University and is now blessed to

work from home as a graphic designer. God is a good



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