Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Twenty-One

Megan Gentry

O ur granddaughter, Megan Ruth Gentry, was

born on November 3, 1995, in Desoto, Texas . I was so

blessed to personally dedicate her to the Lord, sharing

prophetic words that have come to pass. Megan was

always willing to share the limelight with others. As a

little girl she loved dancing, and Jean and I enjoyed

going to her dance recitals. Megan loved spending the

night with us and going with us on ministry trips. One

time, she and Rick took us to the airport to fly to

England, and she begged to go with us. We tried to

explain to her that we were going on a long trip, and she

didn’t have a t icket, but she persisted that she wanted to

go with us. It was tough leaving her in tears, as we

boarded our flight to the U.K.

Megan has a wonderful gift of working with

children. After graduating from Veritas Academy in

Austin, she felt called to go to Cambodia and work with


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