Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Twenty-Two

Jordan Greenlee

O ur grandson, Jordan Christopher Greenlee, was

born on November 6, 1995, in San Jose, California. He

has always been a young man of adventure and humor.

While growing up, he was always making us laugh with

his funny remarks and stories. Jordan was, indeed, a

miracle baby. Not long after Darla became pregnant, she

went for a checkup with her doctor, who told her the

baby was in her tubes and she needed to have a DNC

that very day. She called us in tears, sharing the doctor's

report. Jean and I prayed with her and told her to wait

three days, while we did spiritual warfare for our

grandson, declaring this baby will live and not die! Darla

returned three days later, and the doctor discovered the

baby was not in her tubes and had a strong heartbeat. A

miracle had taken place in those three days! Jordan

Greenlee came into this world to serve his generation.

While Jordan was growing up, two thousand miles

away, we were so blessed that we had the opportunity


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