Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

When I arrived on the appointed Sunday, I was

told that we still needed over $200,000 to burn the

mortgage. I remember standing and speaking with the

most unusual anointing that day, fully aware of my God

Assignment and boldly declaring, “we are going to burn

the church mortgage today ... I won’t be coming back next

week, so today is the day!” It appeared for a while that we

would not succeed. That is when the back door of the

auditorium opened, and scores of children came to the

front of the sanctuary, bringing their money, with some

of them carrying their Piggy Banks. They were led by

children's pastors, Billy and Vickie Burns.

Suddenly there was a new wave of giving,

followed by Pastor Peters jumping to his feet, taking the

microphone and declaring to the congregation, “I’m

about to say something I’ve wanted to say my entire ministry,

don’t bring any more money!” We now have more than

enough!” Then bedlam erupted; people were clapping,

shouting, and jumping up and down. It reminded me of

an Oklahoma-Texas football game. The celebration had

begun as Tom and Mary Ann Peters, accompanied by


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