Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

their family and church elders, along with Jean and I,

burned the mortgage that Sunday! People didn’t want

to leave the building. They were lingering, enjoying the

moment, and knowing they truly had experienced a

giant-killing day. God Assignment finished!

Big House- Big Screen TV

After returning home to Fort Worth, Jean started

searching for a big house to lease. We were living in a

small condo at the time. One afternoon, she called and

asked me to “ pray right away .” She had just found a

beautiful new two-story house with a three-car garage,

in a gated community with a duck pond across the

street, and a “ for sale ” sign in the front yard. The owner

happened to be there at that time, so she stopped and

asked him for a tour of the house. When she stepped

inside the front door, she knew this was her home and

asked the owner if we could lease the house. He

explained to her that it was not for lease, but for sale.

Jean gave him her phone number, asking him to think

about it and call her if he changed his mind. We agreed

in prayer and the owner called her a short time later,


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