Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Pastor B.B. and Velma Hankins later became our

spiritual father and mother.

Rockwall Prayer Revival

Jean and I took a month off, following the 11

week prayer revival in West Columbia, Texas. During

that time, Pastor Mike Hankins, and his associate Jerry

Howell, came to our home and asked if we would come

to Church on The Rock in Rockwall, Texas, for our next

prayer revival. We accepted the invitation and started in

November and continued for 13 weeks. Joe and Becky

Cruse led the worship, along with Catherine Lindsley

and Dennis and Sarah Luckey. The glory of the Lord

surrounded those meetings, accompanied by divine

appointments and divine connections. Personal

prophetic sessions followed morning services with

Pastor Mike Hankins declaring, “ lets pray it through and

walk it out .” One of those mornings I gave a prophetic

word to Bryan Davenport, and declared over him that

one day he would minister to millions of people. That

word came to pass several years later when he

ministered in Nigeria, Africa, to over ten million people.


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