Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Sixteen

Prayer Revivals

O ne morning while in prayer, Jean and I received

a word from the Lord. We heard The Holy Spirit say that

we were going to start leading prayer revivals in

churches, some lasting for weeks or months at a time. It

was a strange word, because we had been leading, only,

three-day prayer seminars. We received the word by

faith and began to declare, “ we are going to start leading

prayer revivals in churches that will last for weeks or months

at a time.” It did not take long for that word to become a


West Columbia Prayer Revival

Pastor B.B. and Velma Hankins invited us to

minister at The Christian Center in West Columbia,

Texas for three days, but that three-day meeting turned

into an 11-week prayer revival! I led prayer and

prophetic services six days a week at 5:42 am and 5:42

pm. We experienced a life-changing move of God!


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