Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Bryan and his wife, Deborah, have played a significant

role in Jean and I’s life for the p ast 31 years.

We had many incredible testimonies following

the revival, including this testimony from our friend

Paul Syvrud. He wrote, “ my wife had 3 miscarriages,

which was very discouraging. In 1991 we received a call from

our friends, who facilitated adoptions from south central

America. They had a little girl coming in from El Salvador

who was blind and needed someone to take her back and forth

to the doctor to see what could be done for her eyes. We prayed

about it and had peace about bringing Andrea into our home. There was a judge that brought her out of El Salvador and told

us if we ever needed a break that he would take her for a couple

days. We dropped her off on Friday and were scheduled to pick

her up on Sunday. When we called to schedule a pickup time,

he said, “I thought it might be too much for you, so I arranged

for her to be taken elsewhere.” Our hearts were broken! We felt she was our daughter. At that time Dale Gentry was

leading a prayer revival at Church on the Rock. On Tuesday

night we went to the service, desperate for a Word from God!

He then prophesied the little girl that has been taken from your

home is your daughter and she will be back in your home


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