Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

That same year, we started ministering for Pastor

Bob and Mary Ellen Shafer at Lighthouse Church in

Kingfisher, Oklahoma. We had some incredible services over the years. Bob and I ministered many times

together and he became a wonderful prayer partner.

Jean and I are so thankful for their friendship.


In 1989, we returned to Haiti for another conference hosted by Pastor Tom Peters. The speakers were Tom Peters, David Briggs, Gerald Davis and I. Our daughter Darla, made the journey with us. She saw all the poverty in Port au Prince and wanted to give everyone she met an American dollar. Jean and I celebrated our 28th anniversary at the Hotel Montana, while in Port au Prince. Darla also went with us to minister for Pastor Dan and Kathy Greenlee at The Fathers House in San Jose, California. While there, she met their son Chris, who later became our son-in-law. They were married in 1990 and had two beautiful children.


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