Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Ministry in 1988

Jean and I became members of Cathedral of

Praise in Oklahoma City that year, where Ron Dryden

was the pastor. I ministered at several of their camp

meetings, along with Dwight Thompson, Jerry B.

Walker, John McDuff, and others.

"In 1988 we took our first missionary journey to Haiti, hosted by Pastor Tom Peters. It was on that flight to Haiti that I first met Pastor Bob Nichols. Tom Peters, David Briggs, Bob Nichols and I ministered to over 1500 pastors and church leaders, where we experienced an amazing anointing." In 1988, we also started ministering for Mark and Trina Hankins at Christian Worship Center in Alexandria, Louisiana. We had some great meetings in their church and developed a long-time relationship. I remember the many times we would go to their house after church and Mark would always entertain us with his funny stories.


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