Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

with ministers going through stress, anxiety, and even

burnout. Many were restored to full-time ministry.


My Mother-in-law

In 1988, we felt we had finished our assignment

in California, so we made the decision to move back to

the Sooner State. Shortly after we arrived back

in Oklahoma City, my mother in-law, Virginia

Denham, went to be with the Lord. She had lapsed into

a coma for several days. One morning, as Jean and I

were sitting at her bedside, she suddenly opened her

eyes, sat up in bed and said, “ I see Jesus and he’s coming

to get me! ” She then laid back on her pillow, closed her

eyes, and peacefully went to heaven. I loved my

mother-in-law. She was kind and generous. I had the

privilege of leading her to Jesus after Jean and I were

married. I was honored to preach her funeral. I will see

her again.


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