Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Tony Miller

I met Pastor Tony Miller while ministering at a

conference in Lake Worth, Florida. He invited us to

minister at his church in nearby Clewiston, which started our 33-year journey with him , his wife Kathy and their daughters Amanda, Lindsey and Holly... He was a great prophetic son. Tony wrote these words to me, “Thank you for being an incredible Spiritual

Father in my life. You’ve challenged me to stretch, to believe

and to live with eternity in mind. Your willingness to

shift and change is such an example to me. Your life and

legacy are an inspiratio n to me and the integrity that you’ve

maintained. Thank you for your continued and impactful

contribution in the Kingdom. Honor you sir!”

Moving To California

In 1987, we moved to Sacramento, California, at

the invitation of Pastor Larry Hayashida. We were

blessed to be able to base our ministry out of Spectrum

Christian Center, where Larry Hayashida was

the pastor. We continued to travel, but also worked


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