Next Steps 2.0 - Moving To Maturity

Question to Ponder: “Have you ever acted on something that you believed to be true, only to find out some time later that your assumption was inaccurate?”

Personal Notes: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

2. Renewal of the mind is important because thoughts affect our motives which will ultimately be judged by God.

1 Chronicles 28:9b …for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. It is possible for two people to do exactly the same thing but for different reasons or with different motives. I may give myself to business pursuits with the goal to make a lot of money so that I can sit back and enjoy life. Or, I could give myself to exactly the same pursuit but with the goal of glorifying God and serving others. Part of the fruit of our minds being renewed is our motives being purified. Question to Ponder: “Can you think of an instance in your life when you did a good thing, but for selfish or impure motivations?”

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