I Appeal To Caesar!

“Paul of Tarsus is condemned to death by the sword by resolution of this Senate on the charge of treason against the divine emperor!” Ignoring them all, Nero whirls and prances away to his private room, still trying to adjust his silly crown and keep one of his jeweled sandals on his foot. Caesar’s golden scepter remained on the floor where it was dropped, a prophetic sign of his future banishment and struggles. * * * * * Paul now limps as he is led away, supported by the star-struck younger soldiers and a strangely happy Commander. Meanwhile, in his private room, the emperor turns berserk; falling down, he pounds the floor with his fists until his injured hands have lost all feeling. “I will rid Rome of these vermin Christians if it is the last thing I do, and they will never return! Rome will never be Christian! I am the great Lord of all time, of all the earth —I am the Antichrist!” Lying momentarily exhausted on his back on the floor, Nero tries desperately to breathe normally. As his crazed tirade lifts, Nero slowly settles back into his old, scheming self.

“Paul is finished .

His message is finished .


movement is finished .”

He mutters, “I am glad that I met this fool, and took a strong position before the Senate. And, those two senators

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