I Appeal To Caesar!

will pay for their rebellion and insubordination. That Commander . . . had tears in his eyes . . . I’ll get rid of him as well.” * * * * * That evening, a detachment of soldiers in battle gear appear at the homes of the two suspect senators. Frightened families are pushed aside and each senator is chained and roughly taken under heavy guard to the dreaded torture chambers. Within hours, the severely beaten, half-dead men are taken to the Circus where they are crucified along with others who had professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The frolicking spectators laugh and ridicule the Christians and their Christ, making merry in their drunken stupors. Numerous martyrs burn on stakes, serving as human torches to provide eerie light to the wild festivities. Other martyrs, however, followed then and follow now Paul’s example, people from every walk of life that have seen the futility of Nero’s violent lifestyle and accepted the sane, loving, beneficial eternal life offered by the Christ that Paul served.

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