I Appeal To Caesar!

by Paul’s spirituality, and angered by the message that sears his brain.

He thrashes himself now that he allowed this man to threaten his self-created deity. Returning to his normal evil self, Nero spews out his hateful venom! “Commander! Take this madman immediately to the Mamertine Prison! Give him a week of misery to reflect on his stupidity and audacity, then sever his head from his body at the Cesti Pyramid!” The emperor’s face is ashen, fire flashes from his blood- shot eyes, he trembles . . . the curl has evaporated from his curly tendrils and the golden crown-wreath has shifted to a bizarre, comical angle. * * * * * The proceedings do not sit well with all of the senators, nor the spectators either.

Abruptly, Nero turns to face the Senate, realizing that not all are in accord with his violent, unprecedented action.

Several senators are standing. They raise their voices to remind Caesar that they have not voted. Nero is guilty of an illegal action!

Nero, however, faces them down with wild

gesticulations and profane yelling.

With finality he declares, offering no opportunity for rebuff, “The questioning is complete and satisfactory! Paul must die for his impudence and lack of respect!

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