I Appeal To Caesar!

Then again, in perfect Latin, Paul declares under the inspiration of the Spirit: “One last thing, a vision from the Almighty.” “I see many years into the distant future. It is Rome, this very location, but many of your precious buildings are gone. In their place I see a gigantic edifice dedicated to the glory of God and Jesus Christ. The building is crowned with magnificent sculptured figures of the original twelve apostles of Jesus. The great pavement before the structure is filled with thousands of worshipers of the Christ you hate. Many wear small golden crosses around their necks to show the triumph of the Cross of Jesus. Christ will conquer Rome and every other nation. All cruel leaders like yourself will be rightly judged by those they have martyred. You will take Peter and crucify him, and you will behead Paul, but they will live and you will die, and in the end, you will be judged by their lives.” Gradually, God’s grip loosens around the pathetic emperor, and tiredness creeps back into the body of Paul. The Centurion has tears falling from his face. The two soldiers experience warm, hopeful, exciting feelings. “STOP!” shrieks the emperor, leaping to his feet, as one sandal goes askew. “I have heard enough! Fool! You have sealed your own doom by discrediting me and my holiness! I, and I, alone, am the Lord of Rome and all the earth!” Nero now comes out of the spiritual straitjacket that has bound him. He listened with total absorption to Paul’s prophetic oration, mesmerized by his own curiosity, impacted

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