I Appeal To Caesar!

The Spirit’s message combines speaking in tongues, interpretation, and prophecy into a bonus package of preaching that Nero will hear, understand, and never forget.

Paul speaks fervently as one dying man to another

dying man.

God’s hand extends to the miserable emperor with one last, sincere invitation to turn from his evil ways, be born spiritually, and enter the Kingdom of God.

The mute emperor sits and stares as one hypnotized,

his mouth ajar.

The Commander’s eyes become wide as saucers; he is unaware that his mouth also hangs open! The soldiers supporting Paul are literally immobilized, hardly able to breathe.

As if spoken by God Himself, Paul’s flaming Latin

tongue announces:

“You, Nero, as an earthly king have been placed here for a short time to govern a nation placed in your care by One infinitely greater than yourself. Kings must rule in righteousness, careful to keep before themselves the welfare of those entrusted to them by Almighty God. “You have violated that divine trust. Now, you further condemn yourself by persecuting those of your trust who have believed in God’s Son Jesus, the One your nation crucified. Jesus is not just a man, He is God manifested among humankind, the King of Heaven who rules in the

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