I Appeal To Caesar!

Paul’s weariness and weakness evaporate!

He feels the power of the Holy Spirit, like a breath of

fresh air!

His body straightens, a fiery glow enhances his

features and appearance!

He who had taught his churches to express glossolalia and prophecy, supernaturally becomes a golden orator in the mother tongue of Rome: Latin.

The shocked Commander instantly turns weak … he can hardly breathe… his legs quiver! “What is happening ?”

The two soldiers holding Paul are in shock, mentally


Nero sits transfixed, like a statue, immobilized, overcome by the flaming, fluent Latin that pours forth from the nondescript prisoner. Caesar is struck speechless!

Paul’s fiery defense in Latin is a divine sign — a message

from heaven!

The Words penetrate and shock both senators and


Nero becomes the prisoner, enclosed in the grip of the


Paul is abruptly pain-free, fearless and free of

intimidation! He flies on the wings of the prophetic.

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