I Appeal To Caesar!

The uneasy senators, having stood during Nero’s grand entrance, seat themselves; a hush falls over the spectators. The Commander moves from his place in front of the prisoner off to the side while the two apprehensive soldiers labor to support Paul.

Leaning forward, Caesar fixes his stare on the

emaciated creature before him.

Speaking in Greek, Nero commands, “Tell me your

name, prisoner, and where you are from.”

“My name is Saul, sometimes called Paul, and I am from Tarsus, capital of the Cilicia area.” Paul speaks in the language of an educated Greek.

“I understand that you are both a Jew and a Roman


“Yes,” Paul answers cautiously. “I am from a distinguished Jewish family that was granted Roman citizenship when they were planted some years ago in Tarsus with full rights as part of a Jewish colony. Therefore, I am a citizen of Rome, and I appeal to you, Oh Caesar, to hear my case and erase the charges wrongly brought against me.” “W-e-l-l-l . . .” says Nero, “you are accused of being a Christian, in fact, a leader of the Christian sect, doing subversive activity against the laws of the Roman Empire.” Gazing intently at the prisoner, Nero again leans forward, “Are you a Christian? And do you teach anything contrary to the laws of Rome?”

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