I Appeal To Caesar!

depths of his being, so significant and appropriate for this historic situation.

“ Now when they bring you to the synagogue and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour [even as you are standing there] what you ought to say.” * * * * * Prophetic experience is not new to Paul. This audience with Nero and his Senate will be Paul’s last and most prominent happening, and an opportunity that is a top priority for the Gospel of Jesus. Again, the words of the angel to him in the storm at sea flash before his mind. “Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar.” A special awareness of the Holy Spirit assures Paul that what is now happening is ordained of the Lord. Paul knows he must bring the testimony of Jesus to the world’s most evil and influential man, the Antichrist of that time, the devil incarnate. “I will not figure out or plan my defense! It is up to You, Lord Jesus!”

Paul’s final, quick prayer. “I am ready, Lord, I will do

it, but only with Your help!”

* * * * * As Commander Rufus and his charges approach the great entrance doors, two soldiers on duty snap to attention.

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