I Appeal To Caesar!

Now, Paul waits, hardly able to stand, guarded by three soldiers; he will face Nero, the anti-Christ, to receive the final verdict. Unknown to his captors, Paul’s inner man moves into “prophetic mode,” something he has no intention to mention, explain, or control. His physical body instinctively moves and acts; but now, his spirit begins to soar. Paul silently worships and comes into direct dialogue with his Master … as his body chugs ahead, directed and supported by soldiers on either side. In contrast, the nervous Commander stands, tense and concerned, waiting for his signal to present the prisoner before Caesar. What a nerve-wracking experience! He would rather face an enemy with drawn sword! * * * * * Paul hears the Voice of Jesus, that Voice that arrested Him on the road to Damascus while he was hunting down and killing Christians. “ Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” … I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Tears form in Paul’s eyes, “Why, I was no better than Nero! But now, I am the persecuted prisoner. Also, thank God, I am now redeemed!” He smiles when he remembers how Jesus told him that he would suffer for His name . More words of Jesus come to mind, wise words that Jesus had spoken to His first apostles about protocol when being sentenced. Peter related these directions of Jesus, word- for-word to Paul. Now, these powerful words sound in the

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