I Appeal To Caesar!

“I bring Paul of Tarsus, a citizen of Rome, for an

audience with his Excellency Nero.”

Two men of stark contrast, pathetic prisoner and elegant Commander, accompanied by two very weary Centurions, are admitted into the great room. Slowly, they proceed down the main aisle to within about thirty feet of the ornate, imperial throne. The senators and consuls on the bench are now seated and spectators pack the gallery. All eyes focus on the three soldiers and their pathetic prisoner. Paul doesn’t glance at the multitude, or the beauty of the polished marble floors, the lofty decorated columns, the exquisite tapestries and sculptures. The lush surroundings do not impress this prisoner or command his attention: Paul is a man with a higher focus, a divine mission: he will challenge and bear witness to the greatest leader of the Gentile world! Paul has now entered a higher spiritual dimension, the prayer-prophetic zone. His prayer is simple: “Your words, O Lord: as you have done before, give me Your words for this man!” Proud, supremely confident Caesar waits until the four underlings have stood in silence for several minutes. Finishing his personal preening, Nero gently touches the shining crown-wreath to assure its perfect position on his head.

The Senate and the spectators are breathlessly quiet. Everyone knows what is at stake. Every eye fastens on the

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