I Appeal To Caesar!

Paul was immersed in the open sea for a night and day; he forded rivers and fended off robbers; he has been endangered by desert sun and storms at sea. Paul missed many a meal only to be blasted by the cold and being naked in severe weather.

In light of all this, one can hardly criticize his present

appearance and condition.

* * * * * In Paul’s preliminary hearing before appearing before Caesar, the judge seated upon the bema pressed the basic issue. Roman law makes it technically illegal to be a Christian. However. . . .

Would Paul acknowledge Nero the emperor as kurios

or Lord?

Would he burn incense to the god Caesar?

Would he address Nero as Lord?

Would he swear by the emperor’s “genius” meaning

his divine spirit?

“Of course not!” is Paul’s resolute response to all such


The Judge’s decision is simple and expected: “You will go before Caesar only because you are a Roman citizen and there make your statement.”

The outcome is not only obvious, but also


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