I Appeal To Caesar!

The Christian grapevine springs alive, notifying the followers of Jesus; the news spreads fast, even among the non-Christians. This ostentatious display of Rome’s might shouts loudly and clearly to the awestruck onlookers that hurry to the scene. Apparently, Nero’s plan seems to unfold perfectly. Make a show of their ringleader, and it will break their obstinate wills. Let the pride of Rome be seen as superior and capable of any retaliation against revolt. * * * * * It is a long mile; Paul can barely stand and his brain is reeling. It now takes two soldiers to support and drag him, while keeping pace with the shuffling drumbeat of the battalion. The apostle is not afraid to die, but he must first face Nero! Finally, the column halts before a vast, beautiful building untouched by the great fire. The Great Basilica in the Forum — the home of the Roman Senate, a place of power, designed to impress and impart fear and made to flaunt Roman law and strength. The prisoner remains chained to Justus, the young soldier, and a second soldier is requisitioned to help support the prisoner. The Commander walks in front of them. The unkempt apostle, now held up by a guard on either side, slowly mounts one of the expansive entrance steps leading into the open-but-covered porch area of the vast complex.

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