I Appeal To Caesar!

Chapter 13 Face to Face with Antichrist “Brought before Caesar”

hoved out of the building, Paul plunges onto the cobblestone street, bumping one of the soldiers as he collapses in a heap.

“Oh-o-o-o!” he shudders with pain.

Looking up, he blinks in sudden amazement —and not

because of sunshine or pain. What is all this ?

Standing before him at attention are one hundred Praetorian Guardsmen dressed in battle gear, their equipment — helmets, shields, breastplates, swords, and spears — polished and glistening. The ranks stretch out as one continuous marching unit, twenty rows with five men in each row, and each man a Centurion. An awesome sight!

“Back two paces!” barks the Commander.

The last ten rows instantly respond. Into that empty space, Paul, still manacled to the young soldier, is thrust.

It is truly an awesome sight, a glittering parade to be


The battle-ready, gleaming troops of Caesar march in unison. A muffled, ominous, cadenced sound of tramping to the sound of a single drumbeat; in their midst, a bedraggled, half-dead man in chains attempts to keep up.

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