I Appeal To Caesar!

Paul is not interested in or impressed by the crowds of people on the move or the senators clothed in shimmering togas making their pompous entrances; or, the beautiful statuary and expensive wall hangings spaced perfectly between gorgeous floral displays. Paul has a single focus and a simple prayer: “Thank you, Lord, for keeping Your word to me! As the angel told me during the great storm at sea, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar.’ Well, Lord, here I am!” “Silence!” The Commander snarls in a heavy whisper. “You will talk only when addressed. And, remember !!! Do not challenge the great Caesar!” * * * * * The robust Commander, not recently assigned to dragging around dying prisoners, realizes the exhausted man in his custody might collapse at any moment. The two younger guards half-carry the tottering prisoner as they traverse the vast entrance hall. As prearranged, while the Century stands at ease in front of the Bascilica, the Commander leads his small party to a special waiting room in the rear of the assembly area. When called, the four of them will walk down the center aisle to stand before Caesar, his senate, and other official members. In a balcony circling the rear of the large chamber, free seating is provided for public spectators. Outside, meanwhile, the presence of one hundred Praetorian Guardsmen, all dressed for action and standing in front of the Senate Chambers, naturally catches the public eye.

Something important is happening!

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