I Appeal To Caesar!

Paul begins to protest, “I’m not ready, look at me. I haven’t prepared myself, no clean garments. Let me at least wash my face!” “Silence!” bellows the career soldier, amused at the sight and wincing at the smell of the pitiful, ragtag condition of his charge. “Do as you are told. You go as you are to meet his Majesty! We leave immediately!” Justus, the young night guard, pulls Paul’s aching frame upright and starts to remove the manacle locked on Paul’s right wrist. “ You !” The Centurion barks at the younger guard. “You will stay chained to the prisoner and march in the middle of my Century! Remember this, soldier: You will never meet this man again. Forget his religion! “You are an elite member of the Praetorian Guard! Act like it! Now, take this sorry-looking prisoner to the street, he is the centerpiece of our parade.”

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