I Appeal To Caesar!

Finally, the end is at hand, the parchment is completed and rolled, placed in a leather case, and carried away by Onesiphorus, a faithful and dear friend who has helped Paul in many ways, especially hand-carrying his dispatches. This time, the letter goes to Paul’s beloved son in the faith, Timothy. * * * * * Night passes, early morning arrives. “Wake up!” The Commander-Centurion strikes the sleeping prisoner. “Wake up, Christian! Today you stand before Caesar to receive sentence!”

Justus, the young guard, startled from his drowsiness,

jumps to attention, dragging Paul to an upright position.

Wearily, Paul stirs himself. “W-h-a-t?” says Paul,

squinting up at this stranger. “Who are you?”

“I command your guard today, specially selected and I

am not one of your followers!

“Today,” Centurion- Commander, scowling with disdain, “you have an audience with our great emperor, Nero. One hundred centurions and I are your royal escort.” He chuckles as he added, “Such a splendid display of armored power will proclaim to the people of Rome that your so-called ‘greatness’ is exaggerated, and Christianity is actually small and insignificant. The Empire celebrates your defeat! Get up and be quick about it, you are first on Caesar’s agenda this morning!” says the tough-talking

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