I Appeal To Caesar!

Nero stands, throws his extravagant, silk sash over a shoulder and leaves; there are other things he must tend to! * * * * * Meanwhile, under temporary arrest at the Praetorian Guard House jail, while awaiting his appeal to Caesar and realizing that the end is coming quickly, Paul is busy! Under the most trying circumstances, Paul writes his second and last letter to Timothy, the beloved young man that has worked hard and diligently with him. Sympathetic guards, who know Paul and have become Christians, smuggle quills, ink, paper, and a small lamp into the cell of the concerned apostle. Of course, Paul’s writing only takes place at night when a Christian guard is on duty. The items must be removed before the change of guards takes place the next morning. Every minute counts! Any guard caught aiding Paul will be executed.

Paul writes with a frustrating handicap: a chain is

attached to his right wrist.

The chain, however, inspires a brilliant thought. “ I suffer trouble … even to the point of chains, but the word of God is not chained. Therefore I endure all things ….” Other words in the same letter reflect the end of his earthly journey. For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

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