I Appeal To Caesar!

“Caesar will relish this! Christianity’s two greatest leaders suffering the pangs of hell in the dreaded Mamertine prison and then executed!”

AD 67

The news of Paul’s capture is immediately brought to

the emperor.

“Your majesty! Paulus the Christian has been arrested and is now in the intermediate dungeon, awaiting his summons to your audience!” As Nero hears the report of Paul’s capture, a grim smile spreads across his face; he thumps the desk with his fist, shouting, “YES!”

His first inclination is to end this whole episode, brush

it aside as unworthy of further time and attention.

But wait! His new thought is like a glistening diamond.

If this is the ring-leader of the whole movement…?

“I will meet this man,” slowly, softly, he utters the

words, “and make an example of him.”

Also, a dark curiosity goads Nero. “What drives this man? Why does Paul not bend to the will of Rome? What is the life-force of this movement? No matter, I will make an example of him and shame his followers! This outlaw cult will die.”

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