I Appeal To Caesar!

family practices that are common among Romans, giving the impression that they are more holy than the other Roman citizens. They particularly ignore religious holidays dedicated to Roman gods. * * * * * Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, Paul’s brand of Christianity draws “a clear line of demarcation between Christianity and the Judaism of the synagogue.” Since this clear difference does now obviously exist, shrewd Nero determines he will use this development to his advantage. In AD 33, Rome crucified Jesus in Jerusalem: however, His followers now claim He has risen from the dead! New members are initiated into Christian membership by water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ the Lord — an absolute challenge to Nero’s pride, position, and law! Nero’s cool agitation has now become flaming infuriation! The befuddled, thirty-year-old Emperor shouts out his answer: “Stamp out Christianity in the Roman Empire! This cult of Christ must be declared illegal!” “No longer,” he declares, “will this religious sect show disrespect and outright rebellion! No longer will they draw away Romans to believe in a dead Christ!” Nero’s personal affront, of course, is that the Christians do not acknowledge him as a god; they are de-deifying the emperor, stripping him of his exalted position and making him a mere man. How humiliating! They even ridicule his lifestyle!

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