I Appeal To Caesar!

“It will take a ruthless effort, so I will be ruthless !” he


* * * * * Nero’s conclusion raises a sobering question. “How can I exterminate these pests without creating a backlash of sympathy from my fickle Roman populace?” Rage drives him to a fool-hearty, criminal decision: “Fire! I will set fire to Rome, placing the blame on the Christians!”

“Yes!” he thinks, “ I am amazed at my own brilliance!”

This will be his strategy to gain the support and

following of the masses.

“Of course,” he smiles benignly, “I will conveniently be out of town when the fire starts, returning just in time to shower my benevolence on the poor, impoverished people.” “Actually,” he muses, “this approach supplies another solution. An excellent way to get rid of the slummy areas and make adequate space for a new palatial complex — a golden house!” He giggles and wrings his hands with glee as he mentally justifies the destruction of thousands of people to pamper his own pleasure!

He cries out, “This feels so good! I will rebuild Rome

to my own personal specifications!”

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