I Appeal To Caesar!

Nero’s agitation increases as he learns more about the beliefs and growth of a religious cult that has originated in the Jewish community. Judaism itself is protected by Roman law because it is a licensed cult. Jews are allowed to follow their customs and laws; true, their behavior is irritating, but easily ignored. Unlike the new cult, the Jewish community makes no effort to proselyte Romans or condemn Roman activities and holidays; they stay to themselves, minding their own business. Now, however, from within that community, an aggressive religious sect has erupted, spilling over into the Gentile communities of Rome. This new group is not only interested in converting Jews — they also want to influence Roman citizens, even convert them! The members of the sect are called “Christians” because they follow a founder called “ Christus ” or Christ, and they stubbornly refuse to call anyone “Lord” (even their emperor!), other than this Jesus the Christ. In Rome, the title or name “Lord” is reserved exclusively for Rome’s emperor, it is a key way, a very obvious way, to affirm his deity. Christians, however, will not cooperate, they only attribute that name to their universal King, Jesus of Nazareth! An irritating problem is promoted by this belief system: the Christians refuse to participate in certain Roman observances and accept various Roman practices and gods. The Jews are not overtly against the Roman customs, but these Christians seem to abhor the loose sexual, moral, and

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