I Appeal To Caesar!

gentle grip is firm and assuring, “God has allowed this accident to happen and the Lord Jesus will heal you now .

“When we are gone, never forget this wonderful secret: ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.’”

The others gather about the couple as Paul addresses

the problem with divine authority.

“In the name of Jesus the Christ, ankle be healed now !”

Luke cannot shut his eyes; he must see what will


Paul’s eyes, however, are closed, and he worships with upraised hands, verbally thanking the Lord, oblivious to whatever else might be happening.

The others gasp as they hear and see bones snap

together and the dark coloration disappearing!

The amazed Centurion stares with open mouth, tears streaming down his face. He keeps repeating, “Thank You, God!” Paul’s worship ceases, and he smiles. Kissing the girl’s hand, he says softly, “We must go now, but we will not forget you. You must take our place and become a voice for Jesus among your people. Will you do this?”

The girl’s smile through a waterfall of tears is inspiring.

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