I Appeal To Caesar!

Aristarchus speaks up, “Why, they have been attending our house meetings. They are brand-new believers in Jesus!” “Yes!” cries the mother. “And we must have your help! My daughter’s ankle is severely broken! Before boarding the ship, please help us!” The Physician Luke is at times torn between being a medical doctor or a minister praying for divine healing (although God uses both methods), and this unexpected interruption is one of those debatable times. What must he do? Luke swallows hard as he views the terrible break! What can they do? The good doctor finds himself tied in an emotional knot.

It had to happen right when they must board ship!

As Luke ponders, Paul seats the couple and kneels

before the girl.

Luke stares at the bone breaking through the

discolored flesh.

“Let’s see,” Luke speculates, “what should be done first?”

Paul, holding steady in the urgent situation, gently

takes hold of the girl’s hand.

“Although we are leaving right away, Jesus is not leaving you alone.” Paul speaks with deep sincerity; his

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