I Appeal To Caesar!

Her lips tremble as she replies, “Yes, I will follow Jesus and bring healing to those in need through His great name.” * * * * * The short trip is without incident and the grain ship docks at Puteoli. Julius needs a week to make arrangements with Rome, so the apostolic team visits with the local Christians. Then, finally bidding farewell, they begin the forty-three-mile hike to Rome on the Appian Way. Paul has mixed emotions, some of them troubling, but, as the group reaches the town of Appii Forum, his spirits are raised and his joy abounds! A committee of happy Christians gives him a rousing welcome! Continuing to walk toward Rome, a second excited group of believers greets him at the town of Three Taverns thirty-three miles from Rome. Oh, the joy of being surrounded by happy Christians! * * * * * Finally, he arrives! Although Paul has been in many cities of the Roman Empire, Rome is the greatest by far. The awesome population stands at more than a million free citizens and about the same number of slaves.

Paul, unfortunately, has no time for sight-seeing. He is

not a tourist, he is indeed still a prisoner of Rome!

Paul and Julius the Centurion have an emotional


The saddened Centurion speaks haltingly, “Paul, I wish you well… my sincere desire is that you be set free. Continue your great work… I promise to make a decision about your Christ soon… and may you impact many soldiers during your stay here. Please continue to pray for me.”

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