I Appeal To Caesar!

Chapter 12 Rome! The Prisoner

aul’s winter stay at Malta was memorable with conversions and healings, all verified by Luke the physician. The three Christians (Paul, Luke and Aristarchus) have made quite an impression on the island people. Christianity came to the people of Malta that winter, continuing through the centuries to this day. The Maltese show their great affection at departure by bringing gifts and provisions to wish their new friends God- speed. “At last we leave! I have booked passage on the large grain ship moored in the harbor, but the captain insists on sailing right away: he wants to take advantage of the fair weather. We leave immediately!” While Paul and friends are preparing to board ship, a single mother hurries toward the team: desperately she also tries to support her daughter who is attempting to hobble while leaning on a makeshift crutch. Julius, the Centurion, suddenly rushes up to the team.

Both mother and daughter are at wits’ end, crying and

wet with tears — the girl’s pain is excruciating.

The team recognizes the two immediately.

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