I Appeal To Caesar!

The natives react violently, interpreting this as a sign of justice for a guilty prisoner. Paul, however, shakes the reptile into the fire and goes about his business. The superstitious islanders, closely observing Paul, come to another conclusion: he is a god because he did not suffer or die!

God’s Healing Power in Malta

Paul, his friends, and the Roman guard stay for three months on Malta. For the first three days a man called Publius, the magistrate or leading citizen of the island, receives Paul’s group as houseguests, extending gracious hospitality. Publius talks with Paul about many things, some of them spiritual, learning from Paul that God still heals the sick. Cautiously, Publius mentions that his father lies sick in bed with high fever and dysentery. Going to the bedroom, Paul prays and places his hands on him. Instantly he is healed! When the news of the healing is broadcasted, all the sick on the island flock out to be healed also! And, they are all healed. The happy islanders show their appreciation by supplying the travelers with all their necessary supplies!

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